Finding one's purpose in life.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Week 50 - Responsbility and Accountability

I don't really like putting down people or negatively affecting people, but sometimes criticism is required for someone/something to become stronger and to evolve from their mistakes/downfalls. In Australia, I personally feel that there's always a lack of accountability and this is prevalent in Australian politics. Do I entirely blame the politicians? No I do not, because politicians need to satisfy the masses, even though it might not be the best option in the long run. Take for example, NBN, it has taken years to actually start building infrastructure, and even now in my local area, I still do not have NBN, and I'm in the metro area. Imagine people who live outside these regions! And there is no accountability - whose fault is it? Telstra? NBN Co? The Australian Government? They all just blame each other, when in fact, they all should be held accountable for these failures. To be honest, taking someone into account for a mistake should be right approach because all of these infrastructure is paid by taxpayers - every dollar should be scrutinized. 

The opposition (Labor) right now also consists of people who pander to the masses, and just dump money here and there, without actually doing some analysis and realistic predictions to see whether it is worth investing money in those places. Furthermore, the current leader for Labor doesn't seem to uphold any values, to put it simply, he's a populist but one who is not the smartest. Why is that the case? Is it because of the culture? Work ethics? Values? I still do not even know, even though I have lived here for so long, but from my encounters at university, the future does not bode well.
Anyway, enough with my blabbering, I got my results back last week and got what I predicted, so hurray! Too bad I only have less than 2 weeks before university starts again for me. Like before, I kinda lost the drive to play games, and when you lose that drive, there's no point to play because a game is meant to be played for fun. So, the only games I still can turn back to is Hearthstone, since I can just hop on for 20 - 30 mins and just stop and do something. That's the good thing about Hearthstone. I have also been watching Shokugeki no Soma (finished all the anime seasons so far), and I am so tempted to read the manga to see what happens next because it is a goddamn big cliffhanger. But I'm sure another season will be adapted by 1 years time. Arghh the struggles.


  1. Yeah the manga is pretty decent for Shokugeki. The only thing you'll be missing are the sounds they make when they taste the food :D.

    1. The sounds they make is what the anime good. Jeez!
