Finding one's purpose in life.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Week 42 Update - Life [Spoilers for Death Note]

Yes I'm being a non-original poster and just titling my post Life because 42 is the number of life. Anyway, I finished Death Note recently and I really enjoyed it. There's just so many themes to analyze, but I just love how the writers develop Light - we see him as a vigilante who has values - killing no innocents and only murderers, but as we see "power" corrupt him, making him more paranoid and narcissistic, we move from our original viewpoint and label him a murderer, narcissist, etc. I believe Light's intellect was actually his downfall - he just overthought and became too paranoid, and as a result of not wanting to be caught with this power, he utilised the power to protect himself and himself only. I guess the only thing that didn't change about him is his narcissism. And the most ironic thing is that even thought we disregard Light's belief that he's a god - by dying, he has become God despite his selfish actions.

I think this reflect life when it comes to notorious criminals. Even though we should put them at the bottom of the trash pile, it is hard to avoid to mention notorious criminals. Let's take Hitler as a prime example, we know Hitler did atrocious crimes, and yet he has somewhat became a god. People still worship him after death (neo-Nazis etc.), even though it may not be in masses, it is the small groups that can sometimes tip the scales of balance. By negatively highlighting criminals, we inadvertently "recognise" them and perhaps that was the primary aim of these criminals. So much for justice....

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