Finding one's purpose in life.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Week 90 Update: Challenges

Yesterday I finished one of my mid-semester exams and I felt that I did pretty well on it. However, I still have a lot of assignments ahead of me but after finishing the mid-semester exam, I can actually clear my mind and focus on other stuff now. Exams have always been something that keeps being stuck in my mind, and I need to change this type of mindset in the long-run. I ordered Grand Blue Volume 5 recently, and it should come in the mail either this week or next week, but I haven't even started reading the first volume yet hahahaha. Talk about procrastination.....

I'm also thinking of slowing eating more healthy because I have been gaining a bit weight as of late. By slowly, I mean eating less junk food...... Hopefully that will work, but I am definitely more conscious about what I eat when I'm outside. Anyway many challenges ahead, and I'll chuck a review up this weekend since the mid semester exam is over.

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