Finding one's purpose in life.

Friday 19 January 2018

Manga Review - Fuan no Tane + (Sequel to Fuan no Tane) - Better Than its Predecessor

I'm a simple person. When I see anything that resembles the horror genre, I am immediately intrigued. But sometimes that's a trick to lure people into something that would be below your expectations. I previously read the prequel to the series, and Fuan no Tane + is no different, to be frank. However, I must admit that the short stories have became much better compared to its predecessor. Perhaps I'm more of a story-orientated type of reader, but I can't seem to understand why people regard this series as one of the best in the horror manga franchise. Nevertheless, let's break it down first, before I give my final judgement.

Story (4/10):
From the start, we know that this manga is a collection of short horror stories, so don't expect a single ounce of plot progression. Each chapter has no relevance to each other, and I kinda found that disappointing. Sure, the chapters were short, which was a saving grace, but without any sense of plot progression, you may be left dumbfounded and wondering whether the manga was really worth reading when you finish it.

Characters (6/10):
Since there are no plot progression, all the characters are unimportant. They just serve as bystanders in a horrific event. I have to say that the monsters this time around are much creepier compared to the first one. However, having just a couple of creepy monsters isn't going to sway me to love this manga.

Art (7/10):
I would say that the art is the only saving grace for this manga. There is a lot of attention to detail when it comes to drawing the monsters, and sometimes even the bodies of their victims. I remember one of the chapters involved some monster who mutilated a body, and the author/artist drew the guts so vividly. Amazing!
Enjoyment (5/10):
I was indifferent about this manga. It was short so I could finish it relatively quickly. If it was long and still had a lack of plot, I would rate this really low. 

Swiggity Swoggity. I'm coming for you.
Overall (5/10):
This manga can be a hit or miss for people. I'll recommend it only for the basis if you don't mind just skimming along some short horror stories, but if you are looking for any resemblance of a plotline, this manga is a no-go. Perhaps I am giving this manga too much slack because I always assume all mangas to have some sense of plot or at the minimum - serve its purpose (like scare me, spook me, make me laugh, etc.). That is why I settle to give it a 5 because I know some people out there will enjoy it.

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