Finding one's purpose in life.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Week 25 Review - Constant Fatigue

I have been feeling very tired every day even though I get at least 7 hours of sleep every day. I had an enlarged thyroid so I thought it could be the source of the problem. However, I went to the doctors, had scans and blood tests and I didn't have thyroid disease, so that's a good thing. Maybe it's because I'm always "depressed" and stressed out. Even though I don't actively feel stressed out or depressed, perhaps it is my subconscious that is depressed and stressed. Very intriguing.

On another note, I got demoted back to plat now in Overwatch after going on a major losing streak - losing 300+ SR in a span of two days. I'll try to grind back up to Diamond as I know I'm capable of doing that. I recently watched Hourou Musuko, which is about two primary school students who don't identify themselves as their biological gender (so one of them is female who identifies as male, whilst the other is male who identifies as a female). It was interesting to gain a perspective into what the LGBT group has to go through, albeit a "fictional" one, but a descriptive insight nonetheless. I am not confused about my own gender, but sometimes it's good to understand why other do. We are humans after all - everyone is different. I love anime/manga, etc. that explore something different - something taboo, something controversial, something that people purposely avoid to look at etc. Pretty ironic since I don't really like talking about controversial topics - I'm more of an information gatherer, rather than a debater.

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