Finding one's purpose in life.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Week 138 to Week 143 Update: Frustration and Stagnation

Sorry for not being active on this site, but I had to keep up with university work especially since everything had shifted online due to COVID-19. It wasn't a major change for me since I usually watch lectures online anyway. I do this because I can watch it at my own pace, usually 1.5x speed because the lecturer is talking too slow. What is frustrating is that it's almost impossible to order from overseas now without either waiting for an extremely long period of time or paying perhaps exorbitant prices for the faster deliveries. Fortunately, it's not too bad in my country, and I feel lucky to not be embroiled in worse situations like we see in Europe and USA. 

During this period, I have periods where I feel extremely demotivated to do anything, but I am doing some basic exercises to help relieve some of that frustration. I also became more anxious about my study, and always double, triple checking my notes and sometimes even doubting my notes. I found ways to decrease this like playing games to help keep my mind off etc. Anyway, I'm probably going to be much more occupied by the university workload from here on out, so these updates are going to be irregular again. Apologies in advance, and stay healthy and safe everyone. We will emerge a stronger world (hopefully) from this situation.

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