Finding one's purpose in life.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Week 74 Update: Happy New Year - New Year New Me?

Art by sasucchi95
It's 2019 already and I'm becoming one year older so quickly, and I'm kinda scared about my future. However, I am still young and all I can do is do well in my studies and just do some planning if I want to get into medicine. I didn't stay up watching any fireworks on New Year's eve since it's just another day passing to me, and perhaps even a bad thing since I am getting older and older, whilst I still feel stagnant, and that's how valuable time is. When I was in high school, I always wanted to grow up and just get out of the house, but once I was in university, I grew to be more mature and realised that this would have been a big financial burden to my family (even if I wanted to move interstate to study if I had no scholarship), and I valued time more too. So to all you young peeps out there, don't wish you can grow old faster - it's never a good thing since you have less time to spend for fun, else you aint gonna get them shekels. 

Anyway, I haven't ordered any mangas recently, and I don't have any planned anytime soon. I still have one pre-order (Hataraku Saibou Volume 6) that keeps on being delayed for no reason, and I didn't expect it to be delayed for so long (first it was scheduled to be released on October 2018, then moved to December 2018, and now it's April 2019). I'm not really pissed about that but I want to read that Volume 6 now since I caught up to it already. I'm almost finished with Season 1 of Gintama, and it's pretty deece, but it still can't compare to better comedy series like Saiki kun (GOD TIER anime that's under the radar - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED COMRADES). Anyway, I hope everyone has a happy new year and look forward to the new year. 新年快乐身体健康 (Chinese for Happy New Year, and wish you good health)。

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