Finding one's purpose in life.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Week 21 Review - Less than a Week left til Christmas and Australia Post’s Incompetency

I don't really celebrate Christmas in a big way like usually depicted because I just see it as a normal day like any other day, except that we have a special big meal. For me, I rather just have peace and other intangible products that make me happy and less stressed.

On another note, I ordered some stuff from overseas that I paid for tracking. When it was overseas, the tracking was phenomenal, it was scanned when it was delivered at their post office, scanned when it reached customs, then it was scanned again when it left customs, on board a ship to my country. When it came to Australia, the only tracking I had was that it arrived at Sydney (customs), and for four days, there was no tracking. There was only scanning on the day it was delivered. Can you believe this? I paid a decent amount of money for tracking and fast delivery and I have to wait wondering when it will come. Problem with Australia Post is that there is no one that can be held accountable and this is really sad since Australia Post has virtually no competition (except for some really small players - I heard Officeworks has a parcel system, might check that out). If you visit the product review website for Australia Post, you know what I mean. It's not just me having this problem.

On a happy note, I got one of those cheap VR headsets you need a phone with and it was pretty cool how it worked. Imagine an actual VR headset. WOOOOO. Too bad it's so expensive. I am definitely not willing to spend that much as of now. I have got back into mystery anime again. Currently watching Psycho-Pass and goddamn is it interesting. It reminds me of a novel I studied in high school called "WE" by Yevgeny Zamyatin, where people are controlled and decisions of whether they are a "criminal" are decided by a computer system (built by humans). As a result, humans themselves ironically are treated like livestock and not human beings. I will definitely be writing a review on it after I finish the whole series (On 1st Season right now, there is still 2nd Season and a Movie)

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