Finding one's purpose in life.

Saturday 23 December 2017

Anime Review - Gamers! - More Like Misundertandings!

I prefer it when anime is what it seems from its description, however there are some exceptions, just as long the surprise is not too shocking. Gamers! comes off as a generic school romance anime with the game theme from the description, but as the anime progress, we can see that the anime focused less on "game", but rather on the misunderstandings of high school students. From the reviews and forums, I can see a split between the audience - one that worships this anime as if it's like a masterpiece, and ones who criticise it for what it really is. I'm probably more on the criticising side, but I would say I am tending towards the middle ground because I can see why people really liked Gamers!

Story (7/10):
The story's main theme is not gaming, but rather the misunderstandings that come from the relationships of the five main characters. Gaming was more of a side theme or what connected the five together. To be honest, I liked this approach much better - I rather have some comedy than some serious stuff, especially in a "generic anime". This is what attract people to this anime.

The anime essentially involves the five misunderstands who loves who, and who is actually in a relationship. It is quite comical, but sometimes, the misunderstandings didn't really make sense, but I would say that this was not over the top. Apparently the ending of the anime didn't match what it should have ended on the visual novel (the visual novel is still ongoing), and the visual novel's end in terms of the anime seemed way more interesting. Nevertheless, this exchange of misunderstandings can get a bit annoying and stale for viewers.

Characters (8/10):
All the characters are likable and all of them are unique. There's three waifus and two husbandos, and looks like the community is not fighting over each other on who's the best waifu. The only reason I find the relationship between the five possible is because of "gaming"; otherwise they would have never met in reality. I also like the transformation of the characters through the misunderstandings and how relationships flourish.

I don't really have a favourite character but my least favourite character is the MC. He's clueless about anything that is happening around him. Yes, even though he is an "otaku" or "gamer", he should still know about relationships and whether someone likes you, etc. Kinda reminds me of Nisekoi's MC - Raku - a bit of an airhead of what's happening around him, yet he still gets girls all around him. Perhaps it's jealousy and I don't really get overly pissed about it, but I have seen some members of the community get extremely pissed at clueless, airheads MCs.

Art (7/10):
The art is pretty generic. It's nothing spectacular, but its nothing bad to look at. The characters are beautifully drawn and there is attention to detail in the backgrounds. The OP animation was superb and there were so many references to games that make the anime somewhat nostalgic. Too bad that it wasn't explored into depth.

Sound (8/10):
The OP was super good to listen to because it was super catchy and the animation along with it made it better. The voice acting was good too and it suits the characters' personalities.

Enjoyment (8/10):
I really enjoyed observing the misunderstandings developed from the five main characters and each of the characters were lovable, albeit a letdown by the airhead MC. It was cute to observe how flustered the characters get when they get close to someone they like. It is very realistic for high school students - brings back memories.

Overall (8/10):
If you want something from your typical high-school rom-com anime, I would recommend this. This is a fresh breath of air to the usual rom-com because the big difference between the love-triangle developed, and the character's perceived love-triangle makes me laugh. It's pretty realistic for high-school students to have such imagination. However, some people may dislike the airhead MC and the constant misunderstandings may make the average viewer rage. Other than that, it's a pretty decent anime.

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