Finding one's purpose in life.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Week 40 Update - Dissonance

I am about two days late on this week's update but that's because I had to do my placements yesterday and I found it very rewarding. It was interesting to see what was happening behind the counter, and damn do pharmacists have their hands full. Even though I wasn't serving any customers (wasn't allowed since I didn't have the adequate knowledge), it was nice to see how pharmacy assistants and pharmacists interact with customers, and they make it seem so easy. Perhaps it comes with experience, and to that I will probably agree and hopefully I can be as relaxed as them. My negative thoughts are still prevalent but the last couple of days weren't that bad, but I have been waking up randomly in the middle of night again. That's never a good thing since I always feel tired when I wake up.

On another note, I finished placing myself on Overwatch Season 10 and I got low plat (2700ish SR), which I'm not mad about. I'm not trying too hard since I don't want to feel too deflated if I lose too much since the current meta is very dissatisfying to play in. I hope they fix Bridgette soon (perhaps make her bash cd from 4s to 5/6 s?), and then she would probably be much more balanced. The flay is balanced to be honest, it's just annoying but who cares. I recently finished Baka to Test, and that helped me with my mood, made me kek well. I also have been reading some deep manga like Nijigahara Holograph, where it explores the idea of nihilism and how life is just a construct and nothing more than that. When I first read it, I didn't get it too much, but I will probably re-read it again after reading some analytical reviews about it.

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