Finding one's purpose in life.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Week 24 Review - Guru Guru ぐるぐる (Turning round and round)

The title explains what I feel right now - I'm just spinning round and round, in a neverending circle. I find myself in a state of "boredom" again and everyday I feel like I have no motivation to do anything. It's really saddening for me because I believe this is a case of depression - even though I may not think that. 

On another note, I am now Diamond in Overwatch yay, and another reason I have this title is cause of some of the lyrics from Blend S OP - the anime I am watching currently. Yes I know it aired last season, but I usually only watch anime that has completed. Watching ongoing anime sometimes create memory lapses of the story, and thus doesn't give me a full experience of what the anime can bring. The only plausible anime I would watch on a weekly basis are anime with no plot - usually of the comedy genre.

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