Finding one's purpose in life.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Week 15 Review - Finding New Hobbies

Recently I found my old drawing tablet from my middle school years when my dad got it for me for my birthday because I liked drawing back then. But since then, I stopped drawing because when I draw, I don't feel a sense of satisfaction. However, I recently started to draw again using my drawing tablet and Photoshop. I can now understand that you can only improve if you continue drawing and practicing regularly. I had some "bad drawings" that I attempted of characters from Blend S uploaded on Pixiv (Profile Link). 

I realise that I shouldn't heavily compare myself to other works on Pixiv. When I see some of the works on Pixiv, they are truly amazing, but what I don't know is how much time they put into it. I am sure they put more than 24 hours into one work, something which I probably cannot ever persevere to do. Furthermore, they had way more practice than me. Yes there are some that are extremely talented drawers, but I am sure a lot of artists started from the bottom, and just practiced regularly to improve their skills. This idea applies to all other skills that require dedication like coding, learning a language, etc. I somehow lack this drive and dedication to go for the long haul. My drive usually lasts no longer than a month, and if I am not interested in something, it would probably only go for as long as a week.

Besides that, I am not feeling too bad right now. No suicidal tendencies. Perhaps a bit scared to change into Pharmacy. But I am really having fun drawing with the tablet. I may not be the best at it (I'm not trying to be), but I'm definitely trying to improve to the point where I can draw decently. Drawing for me is a way to relieve stress, even though it is extremely time-consuming.

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